Kabi Kabi Aboriginal Corporation has partnered with Coast2Bay Housing Group and the Queensland Government to deliver new social housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the Sunshine Coast. The $10.8M project, located at 13-15 Broadmeadows Road, Maroochydore will provide 18 new 1- and 2-bedroom units.

A smoking and cleansing ceremony was held on site this week. The ceremony, led by Aunty Dinnawhan, is a cultural custom to promote the wellbeing of Aboriginal people as well as guests on Country. It cleanses the space and is a gesture of goodwill to facilitate a positive partnership between the traditional owners, developer, builder and the community.

Murphy Builders were awarded the Design and Construction contract for the project in February this year. Demolition of the existing dilapidated houses occurred in May, readying the site for construction to commence in July.

When complete, the units will be home to eligible Kabi Kabi Aboriginal Corporation members, with a focus on seniors and members living with a disability.

Robin McArthur, Director at Kabi Kabi Aboriginal Corporation said:

“We purchased property here twenty years ago with a vision to create a higher density project for Kabi Kabi, which will now become an 18 unit complex. 

This is a proud moment for Kabi Kabi Aboriginal Corporation and on behalf of the board and our members, we thank everyone here for their diligent work and over the next twelve months we look forward to the finalisation of the project.”

Coast2Bay Housing Group CEO, Andrew Elvin said:

“We are proud to be working closely with Kabi Kabi Aboriginal Corporation and to extend our development expertise to the Broadmeadows Road project. Our shared visions, to deliver affordable and safe homes to the most vulnerable members of our communities, has seen our two organisations working in collaboration for over 12 years. We all need to continue to work together to address the urgent need for housing. ”

First residents are expected to be moving in in mid-2025. The tenancy allocation process will begin in approximately 12 months’ time. For further information on housing opportunities residents can contact the Maroochydore Housing Service Centre or email admin@kabikabi.org.au.