Our Programs
Coast2Bay delivers both Community and Affordable Housing programs to the Sunshine Coast, Gympie, Noosa and Moreton Bay regions. The Coast2Bay portfolio includes approximately 1,200 tenancies.
Community housing is delivered through a number of housing programs in support of the policies of the Queensland Government.
Coast2Bay provides a professional, coordinated and integrated community housing service that is responsive to the community and our tenants’ needs. It does so through a wide range of partnerships with other social service providers, industry and community groups as well as all levels of government.
Crisis Accommodation Program (CAP)
We provide our CAP program in partnership with the Salvation Army and seek innovative ways to support our community within the Moreton Bay region, assisting residents to develop tenancy pathway plans for longer-term housing options.
Moreton Bay Community Managed Headlease Programs
This regional program provides 40 properties to support families and individuals needing urgent accommodation. We also work closely with 54 Reasons (previously named Save the Children Australia) to support 20 households affected by domestic and family violence under this program. We also manage 20 properties to assist tenants with Rapid Housing Response.
Social Housing
We provide a range of social housing services including Longer Term Housing. We assist individuals through a range of Community Managed Studio Units (CMSU) across Maroochydore and Nambour. We also manage transitional housing through our Community Rent Scheme (CRS). Despite the shortage of properties available to rent we strive to work closely with tenants to develop regular pathway planning to transition tenants through temporary housing options and to secure long-term community and social housing, or private rental options.
Disability and Mental Health Housing
We provide housing solutions at the Sunshine Coast, Noosa, and Brisbane North for individuals requiring specialist support and living with disabilities. Wesley Mission Queensland, CPL and Southern Cross Community Health Care provide support care to our residents in these locations. We also manage a share house in the Moreton Bay region, specifically for tenants recovering from mental health challenges.
Yallambe – Care Leavers Program
Through our collaborative efforts with Refocus and the Department of Housing we have successfully trialed a new and innovative Care Leavers program to assist young people leaving care to secure studio apartments, plus additional support from the Refocus team to meet their short and long-term goals.